יום רביעי, אוקטובר 18, 2006

SMS from Poland

This blog stuff is new to me. I see it as sort of a personal diary. Haven't done this much before. The only time I write down my recollections is when I go abroad. Ad to that the fact that I am not using my native tongue here.
Dori is in Poland. We departed at 2:00 a.m. this morning. He is traveling through the land where my grandparents lived and died. Netta did the same trip when she was in high-school, when she was his age. When she came back - she didn't talk much about the experience, mainly showed us the pictures she took. Its hard for me to understand Dori's motive for going to Poland with school delegation. Although he has a strong sense for history he prefers (like me) the warm environment of home. I believe this is an experience of growing up, of telling himself and us - I'm grown up. I'm responsible, trust me. Don't treat me as a child.
This is his first day abroad. I miss him, it seems as though Utah misses him too. I asked him to send me at least one SMS a day - and so he does. Short messages. "We're in Poland and all is well", "We arrived at the hotel and getting ready for sleep". I send him encouraging answers. The first day in Poland - if all went according to plan, was visiting the biggest cemetery in Europe, Warsaw cemetery, where I believe my grandparents (on my mothers side) are buried, and from there to the city of Lublin. End of day one.